So many people play small with the life that they have been given. Not betting on themselves when it truly counts.
This is a high-risk game and to not fully commit when the chips are down...well that's just a tragic waste of the precious life force that you were blessed with at birth. You this game, the game of life; the house always wins in the very end. It'll be game over for every one of us at some point.
So why are you not shouting your story from the highest mountain top? Why are you remaining stuck in your mind, in that personal Hell that you create for yourself in your own head because of all those self-limiting beliefs and self perpetuating fears you refuse to let go of?
You've endured so much to get to this point, why are you not telling your story? Why are you not narrating yourself into the version that you want to become? To become the main character you've always dreamed of being?
The only thing holding you back in this life is yourself.
Me, I'm going all in. I'm betting on myself. I'm sharing my journey and telling my story to anyone that wants to listen. Because I know that through sharing my message, I may help or inspire even just one person to see the light. Like I needed for so many dark times throughout my life.
I share what I needed to hear. And there's no stopping me at this point.