There is nothing broken about you.
The events that have lead up to this point in your life don't define who you are.
The actions you take right now, the thoughts that fill your mind and the person you want to be define you and lay the path at your feet.
The actions you take in life determine the direction of your thoughts and emotions.
If there is something that is incongruent or asymmetric in your life, take ACTION and CHANGE it.
You see the thing is, "they" don't want you to discover or believe that you have this power within you. The darkness wants to keep you at the bottom. In the suffocating negative loop so many people exist in.
The hidden truth that you need to discover and integrate is that you were born into this life with that power. The light. The essence. It was there in your childhood. You remember the feeling. You spend time longing in nostalgic remembrance of that feeling.
You are the alchemist. Create gold from the iron shakles you have been conditioned to wear.
Triumph Over Darkness